Features of the EXPERIMENTAL page

This is a forum maintained by Dagnall, who created the advanced EXPERIMENTAL features found in NMEA3WIFI.
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Features of the EXPERIMENTAL page

Post by dagnall » Fri Jul 14, 2023 5:43 pm

The new EXPERIMENTAL webpage provides users with some new features that we hope will be useful.
One rare issue we see is that the user's Phone and the Multiplexer may lose connection whilst settings are being modified. Because the master/MAIN webpage uses animations the user may not be aware of this loss of contact.

The first feature that we are testing on the EXPERIMENTAL webpage is a live "active connection" indicator.

The first thing that you will notice when you open the page is that it may say "-NOT CONNECTED-"
Screenshot 2023-07-14 181733.jpg
Initial 'not connected'
This indicates that the webbrowser and multiplexer are not yet in full communication.
As soon as connection is established, the Wifi symbol will animate, and the hardware Led mimics may flash.
Screenshot 2023-07-14 182200.jpg
Connection established
If the WiFi symbol on this page ever freezes, then it indicates that the multiplexer has lost connection to the web browser. This video shows the page in operation
In the video I start by pressing the "EXPERIMENTAL" button at the bottom of the MAIN webpage.
The webpage initially displays the NOT CONNECTED, but rapidly switches to CONNECTED, and animates the WIFI symbol.
The various LedMimics show the activity on this multiplexer, which was receiving data on P1, and sending this to Seatalk and WiFi.

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